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servo pressure

См. также в других словарях:

  • Pressure controlled intermittent mandatory ventilation — (PC IMV) is any mode of mechanical ventilation with preset inspiratory pressure (Pressure Control) and inspiratory time (Ti). Spontaneous breaths (i.e., inspiration is patient triggered and patient cycled) can exist between mandatory breaths… …   Wikipedia

  • Pressure carburetor — A pressure carburetor is a type of fuel metering system for piston aircraft engines manufactured by the Bendix Corporation starting in the 1940s. It is recognized as an early type of mechanical fuel injection and was developed to prevent fuel… …   Wikipedia

  • Servo — Аппарат искусственной вентиляции лёгких (ИВЛ) SERVO 900 C (исторический снимок) Аппарат искусственной вентиляции лёгких (ИВЛ) MAQUET SERVO i с миникомпрессором …   Википедия

  • servo action brakes — Brakes so constructed as to have one end of the primary shoe bearing against the end of the secondary shoe. When the brakes are applied, the primary shoe attempts to move in the direction of the rotating drum and in so doing applies force to the… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • servo brake — noun 1. : a multiple shoe automobile brake in which the action of one part upon another as a result of the forward motion of the vehicle increases the pressure between the second shoe and the brake drum and so increases the brake s effectiveness… …   Useful english dictionary

  • servo-type carburetor — A type of carburetor or continuous flow fuel injection system that uses the pressure drop across a servometering jet to control the amount of metered fuel going into the cylinders of a reciprocating engine. The metered fuel is directly… …   Aviation dictionary

  • MAQUET Servo — Проверить нейтральность. На странице обсуждения должны быть подробности …   Википедия

  • dashpot throttle — A type of acceleration control unit in an engine control system. It consists of a sliding servo controlled throttle valve whose position is determined by a control valve attached to the pilot’s throttle lever. If the throttle is moved rapidly and …   Aviation dictionary

  • Искусственное дыхание — Эту статью следует викифицировать. Пожалуйста, оформите её согласно правилам оформления статей. Искусственное дыхание (искусственная вентиляция легких, ИВЛ)  комплекс мер, направленных на поддержание оборота в …   Википедия

  • Medical ventilator — For other uses, see Modes of mechanical ventilation. For other uses, see ventilation (physiology). The Bird VIP Infant ventilator A medical ventilator can be defined as any machine designed to mechanically move breatheable air into and out of the …   Wikipedia

  • Modes of mechanical ventilation — Contents 1 Positive and negative pressure ventilation 1.1 Negative pressure ventilation 1.1.1 Types of negat …   Wikipedia

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